Basilica of St. Nicholas in Gdansk
Digitalization of the rescue works
The virtual platform was created during the realization of the project „Digitalization of the rescue works in St. Nicholas Basilica in Gdansk – protection of cultural heritage for future generations” undertaken by the Dominican Monastery in Gdansk in partnership with the Foundation for Virtualization of the National Heritage of Culture.
The project was co-financed within the framework of the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sports programme – Digital Culture 2021.
The rescue work carried out consisted in a digital, three-dimensional and virtual reconstruction of the architecture of St. Nicholas Basilica and the historic furnishings inside. During the implementation of the task, the latest measurement and visualization technologies were used, as well as the Internet and virtual reality, providing interactivity for all types of audiences, with particular emphasis on excluded people.
he overall objective of the project was to develop and digitise cultural heritage resources and to make the digital resources available and re-usable for popularisation, educational and scientific purposes, as well as for future conservation research and restoration work.