Saint Augustine

The saint stands facing the viewer. In his right hand, he holds a book supported against his hip, while in his left hand, bent at the elbow, he holds a heart.

The head of the old man, with a mustache, long, widely spread beard, and slightly wavy hair reaching his neck, is covered by a richly adorned mitre. He has a gentle facial expression with a straight, long nose, prominent cheekbones, and large eyes beneath soft eyebrows and a forehead marked with wrinkles.

He is dressed in a belted habit, slightly folded, covering the left boot and falling over the protruding right one, and a somewhat shorter trimmed cope. It is fastened with an ornate clasp on the chest, hangs freely from the right shoulder, and encircles the left so that, pressed to the hip by the book, it creates horizontal and vertical, softly shaped cascades in the front. He wears gloves on his hands.

Baroque Stalls

The Baroque oak stalls from 1662–1665, created by Bavarian artists Franz Motsch and Josef Zeller, come from St. Vincent’s Church in Wrocław, belonging to the Norbertine monastery. In their backs, bas-reliefs depict scenes from the life of Saint Norbert of Xanten (1082–1134), the founder of the order in Prémontré near Laon, France.

The cycle of these depictions begins on the southeast side and features the coat of arms of Abbot Matthäus Paul, who brought the aforementioned artists to Wrocław. Between the reliefs are figures of the Apostles, Evangelists, and Church Fathers, topped with sculptures of Angels with the instruments of the Passion of Christ.


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