See other monuments in the category: Craftsmanship
Main altar
Krzeszow, Poland
Figure of St. Hedwig of Silesia
Barnim IX foundation plate
Szczecin, Poland
Baptismal font
Lviv, Ukraine
Lion’s Mouth Knocker (Right)
Plock, Poland
Lion’s Mouth Knocker (Left)
Plock, Poland
The Conversion of Saint Norbert
Wroclaw, Poland
Joseph of Arimathea, Empty Tomb
Plock, Poland
Plock, Poland
What is a gigapixel?
Gigapixel HDR photography - images with a resolution of more than 1 billion pixels, allowing us to image a large historic object. The end result is that we can view the object in its entirety, while being able to zoom in and view any detail of the photographed object, 'like under a magnifying glass', without losing focus of the detail being viewed.
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What is a gigapanorama?
HDR spherical gigapanorama - panoramic images covering a full 360° view horizontally and 180° vertically at a resolution of more than 1 billion pixels, allowing a high tonal range image to be displayed, showing detail in both very bright and dark areas.
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